All Categories alzheimer's disease brain health chronic illness chronic pain clarity demartini dementia diabetes dispenza dna testing endometriosis fats fibromyalgia functional neurology functional nutrition functional psychology hashimotos heart attack hormonal imbalance hormones human behavior hyperthyroid hypothyroid infertility integrative cardiology integrative medicine integrative medicine doctor integrative response testing ket flu ketogenic diet meditation myocardial infarction neurodegeneration nutrition ovarian cysts pain syndrome painful periods pcos quantum physics rancid oils reproductive health silent heart attack uterine fibroids values weight loss womens healthOur Contributors

Dr. Nicole & Dr. Nick
We are 2 Integrative Doctors with a passion for health, business, and family. We are on a mission to help people balance all 3 and have fun while doing it. Oh, and create their version of a bad-ass life.